
Holiday Retail Sentiment Survey from Levin Management and 2020 CRE Outlook from Deloitte – CRE News Hour 11/8/2019

In this episode of the CRE News Hour, we’ll speak with Matt Harding and Melissa Sievwright of retail shopping center firm Levin Management about their pre-holiday survey of retail sentiment, and we’ll have a conversation with Jim Berry, leader of Deloitte’s US real estate practice, about the firm’s 2020 Commercial Real Estate Outlook.

CRE News Hour 10/11/2019: Energy Consumption, LED Lights, and Millennial Multifamily in Suburban Philly

We’ll take a deep dive on energy consumption in commercial real estate, with Alec Manfre, CEO of Bractlet, which models building energy consumption for clients; and a chat with Scott King, CEO of Brut Lighting, about the advantages of LED lighting in industrial property, and we’ll look at suburban multifamily development attracting millennials in the Philadelphia suburbs, with Brandon Segal from LCOR.