artificial intelligence

SBN Newsmakers: Robots in our homes in the next decade, says RobotLab CEO Elad Inbar

Over the next decade, we are likely to experience a revolution in robotic technology that will bring personal robots into your home to take over the repetitive tasks that most of us want to avoid, like cooking, house cleaning, pool maintenance, and repairs. That’s the future view of Israeli-born Elad Inbar, founder and CEO of RobotLab, this week’s SBN Newsmakers guest.

Artificial Intelligence Can Speed Drug Development: Audio Interview

It typically takes ten years and $2.5 billion to bring a new drug to market – but now, scientists are using new technology (including AI) to shorten the drug discovery funnel and reduce the costs of drug therapy research.

What does this mean for faster and better treatments? Listen to this audio interview with drug researcher Christian Olsen to learn more.

AI-Generated School Board News Story Gets a Scoop But Raises Questions

It was an artificial intelligence engine that first made the connection between Remarks about racism by Pascack Valley High School valedictorian Kareena Shah and a discussion at the Pascack Valley Regional School District board of education meeting where the conversation was about regulating student speech content, not about addressing the allegations of racism she made.