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my husband needed to fill out a form a few weeks ago and was informed of an excellent service that hosts lots of fillable forms . If others need it also , here’s a https://goo.gl/gi3e1J.
Women’s advocates have long insisted employers pay women less than men for doing exactly the same work in the exact same occupations and careers, working side-by-side with men on the same job for the same organization, working the same number of hours per week, traveling the same amount of time for work obligations, with the same exact work experience and education, with exactly the same level of productivity.
If the advocates know women are paid less, working women surely know it. So where are the millions of lawsuits? If the women don’t know they’re paid less, and the advocates do know it (how would THAT happen?), why haven’t the advocates notified them? And why haven’t they named the employers to embarass them and helped the women sue?
It’s mostly ideological noise to help secure female votes for Democrats.
Here’s how I come to that conclusion:
Although insisting women are paid less for the exact same work, women’s advocates also seem to think employers are cut-throat competitors whose prime modus operandi is greed. (“Corporate greed” may be one of the Left’s more salient rallying calls.)
Thus they no doubt believe employers would hire only illegal immigrants for their lower labor cost if they could get away with it (many do get away with it), or would move their business to a cheap-labor country to save money (many do this even more since “the onrush of globalization, which enables companies to find cheap labor abroad” http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2017/06/02/how_elites_got_us_into_trouble_–_and_can_help_get_us_out_134069.html), or would replace old workers with young ones for the same reason.
So why do these same advocates think “greedy, cut-throat employers” would NOT hire only women if, as they say, employers DO get away with paying females at a lower rate than males for the same work?
Many of America’s most sophisticated women choose to earn less than their male counterparts:
“Female physicians worked about 5 hours fewer per week than their male counterparts through age 54….” https://www.aamc.org/download/426242/data/ihsreportdownload.pdf?cm_mmc=AAMC-_-ScientificAffairs-_-PDF-_-ihsreport
“In 2011, 22% of male physicians and 44% of female physicians worked less than full time, up from 7% of men and 29% of women from Cejka’s 2005 survey.” http://www.amednews.com/article/20120326/business/303269974/1/
“…[O]nly 35 percent of women who have earned MBAs after getting a bachelor’s degree from a top school are working full time.” It “is not surprising that women are not showing up more often in corporations’ top ranks.” http://malemattersusa.wordpress.com/2014/04/25/why-women-are-leaving-the-workforce-in-record-numbers/
“Compared to men, women view professional advancement as equally attainable, but less desirable” http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2015/09/15/1502567112.full.pdf
“Women Dominate College Majors That Lead to Lower-Paying Work” -Harvard Business Review, April 19, 2017 https://hbr.org/2017/04/women-dominate-college-majors-that-lead-to-lower-paying-work
See other reasons the wage gap hasn’t closed after thousands of measures over many decades:
“Salary Secrecy — Discrimination Against Women?” http://malemattersusa.wordpress.com/2014/10/27/salary-secrecy-discrimination-against-women/