SBN Newsmakers: Fair Share Housing Executive Director Adam Gordon

In July 2008, Governor Corzine signed legislation into law that made amendments to the Fair Housing Act. Among those amendments was a provision that requires a 20 percent set-aside of affordable units when residential units are financed by the state or are developed on property owned by the state. In 2021, the Legislature added to the law by requiring a minimum 20 percent set-aside for all new housing developed under the $14 billion in tax credits allocated to the Economic Development Authority.

But these laws have yet to be fully implemented, according to the Fair Share Housing Center, which advocates for affordable housing development in the state. 

New Jersey is facing an affordability crisis. As rents and home prices continue to rise, New Jersey must do all that it can to preserve affordability and create more affordable housing opportunities. Leveraging and enforcing requirements for the state to include affordable homes when it provides economic incentives or land towards development will help accelerate affordable housing for thousands of New Jerseyans.

On this episode of SBN Newsmakers, Adam Gordon, executive director of the Fair Share Housing Center, discusses the center’s recently released report, Untapped Resources: How New Jersey Can Leverage State Financing and Land for Affordable Housing and approaches New Jersey should be taking to increasing the affordable housing stock in the state.

You can watch the conversation with Gordon in the player below.

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