NBC10 Meteorologist Glenn “Hurricane” Schwartz publishes “The Weathermaker,” a novel about climate change

SBN News Director Steve Lubetkin chats with NBC10 meteorologist Glenn "Hurricane" Schwartz, whose debut novel, "The Weathermaker," turns climate science into a thriller set against the background of TV news and weather forecasting.SBN News Director Steve Lubetkin chats with NBC10 meteorologist Glenn "Hurricane" Schwartz, whose debut novel, "The Weathermaker," turns climate science into a thriller set against the background of TV news and weather forecasting.

NBC10 meteorologist Glenn “Hurricane” Schwartz is the author of a new novel, The Weathermaker (affiliate link), in which the main character, a handsome, brilliant TV meteorologist in Baltimore, has the power to change the weather. Through the course of the novel, Neil Stephenson faces many moral and ethical dilemmas in how to use his power in the best way.

Schwartz discusses his novel on this episode of SBN Newsmakers, produced in cooperation with the Collingswood (NJ) Book Festival, which this year is being held in mostly virtual form because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can watch the interview in the player below. Visit the Collingswood Book Festival website for more information.

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