CRE News Hour 9/13/2019

Guests on the 9/13/2019 CRE News Hour, clockwise from top: Mark Rayfield, CEO of Saint-Gobain North America, with CRE News Hour host Steve Lubetkin; Jerrell Bass and Rob Blakely of Welfont; and Kay Sargent of HOK's Workplace Design practiceGuests on the 9/13/2019 CRE News Hour, clockwise from top: Mark Rayfield, CEO of Saint-Gobain North America, with CRE News Hour host Steve Lubetkin; Jerrell Bass and Rob Blakely of Welfont; and Kay Sargent of HOK's Workplace Design practice

In this week’s edition of The CRE News Hour, anchor Steve Lubetkin and his guests cover these topics:

  • Neurodiversity and how that’s affecting the way office space is being designed, with Kay Sargent of design firm HOK. HOK’s Workplace Practice just released “Designing a Neurodiverse Workplace,” exploring how organizations can create physical work environments that support the full range of employees: neurotypical and neurodivergent. Download the report here.
  • An exclusive look at the building products industry with Mark Rayfield, the recently appointed CEO of building products company Saint-Gobain North America
  • Section 170 tax advantages for nonprofits and charities that want to buy commercial real estate properties, with Jerrell Bass and Rob Blakely of Tampa-based real estate advisory firm Welfont.

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