CRE News Hour 6/14/2019

Guests on this edition of The CRE News Hour are (clockwise from top): Ryan Sanzari, COO of Alfred Sanzari Enterprises; Bret Boyd, CEO of Knoema; and Lisa Zarlenga, a partner with Steptoe & Johnson LLP. The Wanamaker Building, right, is one of the oldest office buildings in the US, and just got a major makeover.

On this week’s episode of The CRE News Hour, the latest news and headlines from the commercial real estate markets, and feature stories including:

  • A historic office building in Philadelphia gets a makeover, and a party to celebrate
  • An office complex in North Jersey brings community activities, tenant engagement, and technology together
  • The Urban Land Institute of New York looks at what population changes mean for development in the Big Apple
  • And in part one of a two-part conversation, a legal expert on opportunity zone rules explains how to avoid getting tripped up by the complexities of the OZ program.