South Jersey Faith Communities Rally to Support Katz JCC, Subject of Phoned Bomb Threat

SBN News Director Steve Lubetkin interviews Farhat Biviji, Muslim co-chair of the South Jersey Catholic-Jewish-Muslim dialogue, at the pro-love rally held at the Katz JCC in Cherry Hill on Feb. 28. The JCC was one of 30 Jewish facilities that received bomb threats earlier this week.SBN News Director Steve Lubetkin interviews Farhat Biviji, Muslim co-chair of the South Jersey Catholic-Jewish-Muslim dialogue, at the pro-love rally held at the Katz JCC in Cherry Hill on Feb. 28. The JCC was one of 30 Jewish facilities that received bomb threats earlier this week.

CHERRY HILL, NJ—(SBN)—Members of the Christian, Muslim, and Jewish communities rallied together at rush hour Tuesday evening, bringing a message of hope and love to traffic passing the Katz Jewish Community Center, which was the target of an anonymous bomb threat Monday, one of 30 JCCs in 18 states targeted on the same day. No bombs were found in any of the centers, but thousands had their activities disrupted, including young children in preschools and senior citizens who had to leave indoor swimming pools in their bathing suits.

About 100 people rendezvoused at the JCC Tuesday with signs reading “Hate has no home here,” and “Shalom, Salam, Peace” and encouraged passing motorists to honk their horns in solidarity. Many did so, as Cherry Hill’s mayor, Chuck Cahn, police chief William Monaghan, and several police officers looked on.

Watch a video news report on the rally from SBN news director Steve Lubetkin in the player below.


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