features SBN video tour of historic mansion retrofitted as restaurant

The Vail Mansion, Morristown, NJ, has been retrofitted as the Jockey Hollow Bar & Kitchen by Hollister Construction Services.The Vail Mansion, Morristown, NJ, has been retrofitted as the Jockey Hollow Bar & Kitchen by Hollister Construction Services.

MORRISTOWN, NJ—(SBN)—The retrofit of the historic Vail Mansion in Morristown, NJ as the Jockey Hollow Bar & Kitchen is documented in a new news video produced by SBN for, the leading commercial real estate news website. SBN has been producing news and multimedia content for since July.

Read the story here.

The Vail Mansion, Morristown, NJ, has been retrofitted as the Jockey Hollow Bar & Kitchen by Hollister Construction Services.

The Vail Mansion, Morristown, NJ, has been retrofitted as the Jockey Hollow Bar & Kitchen by Hollister Construction Services.

In the latest video, Brendan Murray and Andy Goetting of Hollister Construction Services describe the challenges facing the construction firm as it retrofitted the National Register of Historic Places site to meet code requirements for a contemporary restaurant, while not infringing on the existing structure.

SBN news director Steve Lubetkin interviewed Murray and Goetting, shot video of the restaurant and construction features, and assembled the report, which you can watch in the player below.


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